Christine Parker

Numerologist. Counsellor. Para Psychologist

Monday 23rd October 2023

2020 What is happening to this world!!

What a world we are living in now!!! Slowly but slowly the veils are coming off, more and more people in power, big corporations and companies are being exposed for being corrupt.  We have been manipulated and controlled for centuries, but all that is slowly changing. Don’t believe what you read in the papers, or on the television, look behind the stories, they are sensationalized, because that is what sells.  Search for the truth in everything, become conscious of what is happening in your world. Don’t let them put fear into you, which is what is happening at the moment … read more

Sunday 20th January 2019

What can we expect in 2019!!!

If you thought 2018 was a hard year, I am afraid 2019 is going to be a lot more challenging, personally as well as globally.  Countries will be falling apart, people want change, they don’t want to be dictated to, held down, they want to be heard, the fiat system is breaking apart.  Everything in our lives has been manipulated, we have been lied to consistently, we are only fed the news they want us to hear. Banks will collapse, countries will collapse, political systems will fall apart. This is a time of incredible changes, that are needed for all … read more

Friday 14th September 2018

Light attracts both LIGHT and DARK energy!!

When you start freeing yourself up from the chains of life, your energies become brighter and brighter, and you see more and more clearly but then you are also attracting other light energies and also dark energies that will try and trip you up.  It becomes even more important to be conscious of your thoughts, and to keep your energies high by not getting into the victim  mode, believing in what you are being told, and letting your emotions get the better of you, they always drag you down. Smile and the world will smile back at you but not instantly.  … read more

Monday 20th August 2018

Possibilities are like stars!!!!

Possibilities are like stars, with every choice you make you move into a new reality, whether you are conscious of it or not.  The higher your vibration the more options that there are for you.  The lower your vibration the less options you have, it is just more of the same. The most important thing is to keep your vibration high and don’t get caught up in the dramas of the world, the TV, movies and video games all have so much violence in them.   It becomes normal to see violence and death, we become conditioned to it.  Anger breeds anger.  There are … read more

Sunday 28th January 2018

Shit is hitting the fan and it is just starting.

The tempo is building, get ready!!!  Life is going to pick up speed, shit is going to hit the fan everywhere, on everyone for many different reasons. Look at the world around you, it is just a reflection of what is happening to you internally.  We are going through a huge transformation.  This is all about letting go of everything that comes up for you.  Don’t get angry and blame others for what you see happening, it is all within you. This is the last stage of letting go to move to higher planes.  It will take 2 maybe 3 … read more

Tuesday 9th January 2018


There is so much anger coming up in everyone at the moment, it is a huge clearing for us all, it is something that we all need to do.  Acknowledge what comes up and let it go, stay neutral  don’t believe what the mind tells you, otherwise you get on a rollercoaster ride and  you can’t get off, you start blaming yourself and everyone else, and the anger becomes like a volcano that needs to erupt and spew forth. It is not nice!!! The situation happened in the past, it is time to let it go.  You are not the same person you were back … read more

Sunday 7th January 2018

What can we expect in 2018!!

What a year this is going to be. ‘Transparency is being demanded in this year 2018. Whether you have covered things up because you didn’t feel people could handle the truth, like NASA and governments of the world, or whether you are yourself keeping secrets.  What about the Harvey Weinstein issue with sexual abuse, and everything that has followed on from that?  NASA is slowly letting out information they have kept secret for decades.  Trump is releasing things to the public things that have been kept secret for many, many years.  Many more things will be released about UFO’s, and aliens … read more

Wednesday 15th February 2017

Beginners Numerology Course

Tuesday 10th February 2015


The number Twenty-Two is MASTER BUILDER. They have enormous potential and power to achieve material gains, working on a large or world scale, for the benefit of man kind. A Twenty-Two is capable at what ever work they choose, for they have different capabilities and perceptions, with a sensitivity that adds new awarenesses.  They see the big picture and are also are very good with details. When they are young they will probably try their hand at many different jobs to gather experience that they will need later in life.  They make excellent architects and builders.  Even from an early age they … read more

Saturday 17th January 2015

What can we expect in 2015

Time is moving so fast, and so much happened in 2014 especially with ISIL   There has been so much tragedy and violence, the beheadings that shocked the world, men women and children kidnapped or killed, mass shootings, but we also had many breakthroughs with research, science and technology.  Is technology moving too fast!!!!! What about the issues of cloning, and robots to replace humans.   What are the ethics involved with all this new research????? Finding the balance is what 2015 is all about, balance in ALL aspects of life. This year 2015, breaks down to 26 a very powerful and karmic number.  It is about ABUNDANCE and POWER, VISION … read more