Christine Parker
Numerologist. Counsellor. Para Psychologist
Saturday 8th February 2014

Our mind fills itself with millions of random thoughts each day, from the things we were told by our parents on how to live: the should and should nots; do’s and don’ts from our teachers, families, society, the media, advertising, the list could go on and on. They tell us how to live, who to associate with, what to study, what is acceptable, what is not, what to say, what not to say, but they are all thought forms from the past, and they don’t reflect anything about us, or what we really need to be happy. Don’t hang onto those … read more
Monday 3rd February 2014

Being in the moment is like being a child again, filled with wonder and excitement. It is noticing everything that is happening in your world, as if for the first time, being childlike not childish. Notice the birds playing in the trees, the butterfly flying around near you, the ladybird walking on a small blade of grass, the ants that seem in a such a hurry, the spider building its web, the shapes of the clouds in the sky, the distant sound of the cars, children playing nearby, the taste of chocolate on the tongue, so much is happening every moment. Have … read more
Friday 31st January 2014

Have you ever notice the seaweed on the beach after a storm??? WE are like seaweed, sometimes we FEEL as if we are trapped,, caught so tight we can’t move. Sometimes we FEEL as if we are buried deep in the sand with no way out, a victim of life itself. Few are FREE with no emotional attachments, or chains to bind them. They live in the moment, blowing with the wind, free, not fighting life, always ready to grasp an opportunity when it comes. So many things trap us, our relationships, family, work, friends, our childhood, even love can trap us, or we can be … read more
Tuesday 28th January 2014

When chaos is happening all around you, be still as in the eye of a storm. The moment you try to hang onto anything, a relationship, a job, a friend, a situation you go out of balance and get taken into the storm around you, then you have to deal with all your emotions, and everyone else’s. It is very hard to get back to your centre, where you just allow life to guide you with whispers and chance meetings. Everything will happen in its right timing, and there is nothing you can do to hurry things up, or slow them down. Allow the storm … read more