Christine Parker
Numerologist. Counsellor. Para Psychologist
Sunday 18th August 2013
Tony Abbott – Kevin Rudd
Although they are both similar is some ways, Tony Abbott is more willing to work with others with his 11 Soul Urge. Kevin gets very restless always going onto something new, with his 32 Soul Urge, always a new idea, a new way to explore, but his is a hard worker sigh his 13 Maturity Number. Both believe in themselves first, but Kevin’s downfall is his pride with his 16 Birth Force, the saying is “Love to Lose, Love to Fall’, and this is going to be one of those times. He is not in touch with his own intuition, he is … read more
Thursday 15th August 2013
ANTHONY JOHN ABBOTT, born 4th November, 1957. Birth Force 37/10. Destiny 69/15. Soul’s Urge 20/11. Personality 49/13. Reality Number 106/16 Tony Abbott is very independent, a person who goes after what he wants, and he is not afraid to go out on a limb for what he believes in. He has a great mind, and much inner strength but can be over confident and impatient. Like Kevin Rudd (they both have a 15 Destiny), which gives them an ability to accept responsibility and fight for the underdog. Tony likes harmony and balance in his home. His family is extremely important … read more
Wednesday 14th August 2013
KEVIN RUDD – was born, Kevin Michael Rudd on the 21st September, 1957. Kevin Rudd has a Birth Force of 16/7. Destiny of 78/15. Personality of 46/10. Reality Number of 130/13. Kevin always has felt “different”, this can make it difficult for others to understand him, and sometimes he has difficulty understanding himself. At times he will appear aloof and cold, and even hard. He has learnt to trust his own intuition and gut feelings through situations that have happened through his life. He feels very deeply, but there are always things he keeps to himself, in some ways he is a very private person. … read more
Tuesday 6th August 2013
THE SOUL’S URGE IS HOW YOU REALLY FEEL DEEP INSIDE, YOUR MOTIVATIONS IN LIFE. ADD THE VOWELS IN YOUR FULL BIRTH NAME. A 1, E 5, I 9, O 6, U 3. A Soul Number 22 is a Master Number with special potential. A 22 can see the big picture, but also have the ability to break it down into the smaller details, and intuit the right people to have help put it all together. You are the builders, the engineers, the diplomats wanting to make a contribution to the world in some way. You are very practical, and can sometimes can … read more
Sunday 4th August 2013
THE SOUL’S URGE IS HOW YOU REALLY FEEL DEEP INSIDE, YOUR MOTIVATION IN LIFE. ADD UP THE VOWELS IN YOUR FULL BIRTH NAME. A 1, E 5, I 9, O 6, U 3. The Soul Number 11, which is also a Master Number, makes you are very idealistic, a perfectionist and with a love beauty and romance. You can also be a dreamer, intuitive and very inspirational to everyone around you. You have a lot of inner strength, and are often devoted to a humanitarian cause. A Soul Number 11 usually has lots of nervous energy, which needs to be utilized or … read more
Saturday 3rd August 2013
THE SOUL’S URGE IS HOW YOU FEEL DEEP INSIDE, YOUR MOTIVATIONS IN LIFE. ADD THE VOWELS IN YOUR FULL BIRTH NAME. A 1, E 5, I 9, O 6, U 3. As a Soul Number 9 you like to give to others, you are very generous. You are a humanitarian who wants to give friendship, affection and love, to others. Often you can have rose coloured glasses on and only see what you want to and not what is there especially in relationships. It can lead to lots of heartache and pain. As a Soul Number 9 you are very … read more
Friday 2nd August 2013
THE SOUL’S URGE IS HOW YOU REALLY FEEL DEEP INSIDE, YOUR MOTIVATIONS IN LIFE. ADD UP THE VOWELS IN YOUR FULL BIRTH NAME. A 1, E 5, I 9, O 6, U 3. A Soul Number 8 wants wealth, success, status and power, and loves to come first. You are the executive, with lots of confidence, energy, ambition, and an analytical mind. In emergencies you have an ability not to allow your emotions to could your judgement, but may therefore be seen as cold and calculating. This can make it difficult in relationships but also means when the relationship is over you close the … read more