Christine Parker

Numerologist. Counsellor. Para Psychologist

Thursday 6th February 2014



Did you realize we spend about a third of our lives sleeping???  Few of us really understand the process of dreaming, or realize the tremendous importance of dreams in our spiritual growth and daily lives.

People will often say that they don’t dream, but the truth is that they simply don’t remember.

The first step is to really want to remember your dreams.  Repeat at least three times just before going to sleep that you WILL remember your dreams.

It is important to have a note book and pen beside your bed, to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, the longer you leave it the less you will remember.

As you wake up in the morning, stay still for a time, and really focus on bringing back details of your dreams.

The most important part of a dream is the feelings, even if you don’t understand the symbolism, write down your feelings.

If you only remember fragments of a dream don’t despair, fragments are important and can give you clues to what is happening.

No matter how silly the dream seems write it down, it is the symbolism of the dream that is most important.

Watch for slang, puns, and various word plays, and be alert for words or symbols which repeat themselves within the dream.

Enjoy your dreams!!!